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Elaine & Mark — Minted




Elaine and Mark

Please join us for our wedding celebration on

Our Story

Mark Miele and Elaine Simangan’s journey to the altar started with a broken car in 2015 when Elaine checked in her car for repairs at AA Auto where Mark worked as a manager. The two felt instant attraction right at that moment. They eventually began dating and became really close as they discovered how much they complement each other's personality.

They had to part ways and end their connection for some scriptural reasons in 2016 and Elaine decided to move to California after some time to distance herself as the separation was considerably hard for her to keep. Despite not being together, they remained loving each other in their hearts. Elaine constantly prayed for Mark’s spiritual progress, not knowing that the man had begun his persistent search for the truth on his own.

Mark's intentions were tested when he found out Elaine was hospitalized after suffering from depression. Mark dropped everything and remained by her side to show how much he deeply cared for her. Inspite of this, she kept running away from him. Undeterred, Mark stood strong as he grew in faith in Jehovah and for his love for Elaine. He always believed that it was Jehovah's will to put this extraordinary woman in his life for a good reason and that He will bring them back together when the time is right.

To her surprise, Mark was walking through his journey towards a closer relationship with Jehovah. She was beyond happy when she learned Mark was making the truth his own. Jehovah is truly a hearer of prayers. Mark dedicated himself to Jehovah and they became official when Mark proposed to Elaine in Bryce Canyon, Utah in the presence of their family and friends. Elaine was more than happy to say “Yes.”

They are both looking forward to starting a happy life together serving Jehovah as Mark serves the missing piece as head of the family, making it complete as he assumes the role of being a father to Elaine's precious daughters Rhiella and Arhianna. They are excited to share the joy of this wonderful celebration with you and your presence in their wedding on July 25th is an honour to both of them.